Is Zyft available on Android?

Currently Android doesn’t support browser extensions on Chrome. Zyft plans to bring our savings extension to Android once Google allows this functionality. 

In the meantime, you can also use Zyft on your desktop via Chrome/Safari and multiple other browsers so you can use Zyft's price comparison tool when you shop.

Zyft's new barcode scanner feature, ZyftZap, can also be used on Android and is accessed by a webpage - simply type into your browser on mobile, scan a product barcode, and Zyft will show you price comparisons from across Australian retailers. This feature is still in Beta, but it's a great way for Android users to experience the power of Zyft's price comparison. This feature will soon be available in an Android app, so stay tuned.

Update: Firefox now allows extensions on Android. Our squirrels will be working behind the scenes to bring you Zyft on Firefox as soon as we can!

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